Foreign Exchange Rates

Unit Currencies Selling TT/OD Buying TT Buying OD
1  USD 4.832 4.727 4.717
1  EUR 5.2 5.025 5.075
1  GBP 6.06 5.894 5.894
1  SGD 3.557 3.464 3.484
1  BHD 12.73 12.62 12.61
100  JPY 3.123 3.04 3.035
100  QAR 132.79 129.23 129.03
100  SAR 130.32 124.76 125.06
100  AED 133.21 127.06 126.56
100  IDR 0.0325 0.0265 0.0215
100  THB 13.61 12.3 12.1
1  CNY 0.68 0.63 0.46
Last Update:  26 April 2024

Rates displayed are indicative for the day and subject to change without prior notice. For the latest Currency notes and Remittance rates, please refer to any MBSB Bank branches near you.